Sunday, May 21, 2006

NEW Improved Rock!

5 x 7 inches, oil on board.
Kay, of course, is right. The colors in the rock image below are way off. I had to photograph the painting because it was wet, but I'm barely able to use the most basic features on my new digital camera, so it came out looking like it had fallen asleep in a tanning booth. I need to spend a couple days reading the instruction tome that came with the camera.

This image (above) is a scan and the colors are good. I try to be a couple days ahead on my daily paintings, which gives them a chance to dry, at least enough to scan them. But I've been distracted with other work, and also a couple recent trips to New Jersey and North Carolina. This week I want to catch up.


Blogger Chris said...

Has the potato/Mars rock been brought back to Earth?

4:19 AM, May 31, 2006  

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